Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The most unkindest cut of all
If the legislature agrees with the recommendation, the budget for higher education will be cut in half. It's unlikely that the state could keep open all of the existing colleges and universities on that amount of money.
We've spent the last month scraping the state budget for things to cut and for ways to add revenue. We have not found a way to avoid this terrible decision.
Federal Money
Figuring out how it will help us balance our state budget is a little easier. The money that helps us do that is coming in two forms:
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (Stabilization money)
Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP or "Medicaid match")
Stabilization Fund
We're getting $760 million in State Fiscal Stabilization Funding. Of that amount, 82% has to go to education. Of the 82%, some goes to K-12 and some goes to higher education; the governor decides how much goes to each. His decision is outlined in the table below.
The increased Medicaid match gets factored into budget as a savings. Most Medicaid spending is mandatory, so when we get a higher federal match, we can spend less money from the General Fund.
We get the increased match for:
3 quarters in 2008-09
4 quarters in 2009-10
2 quarters in 2010-11
The amount of the federal match increase depends on the state's unemployment rate. For the current year it works out to a 40-60 match: for each 40 cents we put in, the feds contribute 60 cents. We won't know for a while what match we'll get for next year.
Source/Use | Use | Fiscal Year | Amount | Who Decides |
Stabilization |
| 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 | $760 million | Congress/President |
| Education |
| $486 million | 82% of the total, by federal law |
| K-12 | 2009-10 | $149 million | Governor's Decision |
| 2010-11 | $337 million | Governor's Decision |
| Higher Ed |
| $135 million | Governor's Decision |
| 2008-09 | $30 million | Governor's Decision |
| 2009-10 | $53 million | Governor's Decision |
| 2010-11 | $53 million | Governor's Decision |
| Other |
| $138 million | Governor Deciding |
FMAP | Medicaid |
| 2008-09 | $196 million | 3 quarters |
| 2009-10 | $304 million | 4 quarters |
| 2010-11 | $150 million | 2 quarters |
There's a lot of other federal money that's coming to Colorado through ARRA. Here's some of it. (The online version has links to more information).
Source/Use | Use | Fiscal Year | Amount | Notes |
Transportation |
| $500 million |
| CDOT |
| $329 million | |
| Denver Regional Council of Governments |
| $55.9 million |
| Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments |
| $13.1 million |
| North Front Range MPO |
| $5.8 million |
| Transit |
| $103 million | |
Unemployment Benefits & Job Training |
| $174 million |
Food Stamps & Food |
| $178 million |
Housing Help |
| $68 million |
Additional Money for Education |
| $319 million |
Water Projects |
| $66 million |
Public Safety |
| $35 million |