Thursday, February 28, 2008

Legislative Department Budget

Most of the money for operating the legislature is in a separate bill, but these items are in the Long Bill.


Property Tax Study

$638,500 GF

This is an annual audit of property values across the state. County assessors set property values in each of Colorado's 64 counties, but those values are supposed to be both accurate and equitable across the state. To make sure it works out that way, the state audits 1% of the properties in each county. The results go into a study comparing the assessed values of different classes of property. The results go to the State Board of Equalization which can order changes if it finds inequities.

Ballot Analysis

$492,000 GF

The Colorado Constitution (Article V Section 1) requires the legislature's non-partisan staff to analyze each issue that will be on the ballot and publish and unbiased explanation of them (the Blue Book). And the constitution says we have to pay for it -- including the cost of sending it out to every voter in the state.

There are more ballot issues in odd years so the Leg Council work costs more, but we even out the funding by appropriating roughly the same amount each year. The money goes into the Ballot Information Publication and Distribution Revolving Fund. we build up a balance in even years and spend it down in odd ones.

There's $1,021,180 in the fund right now. This year's recommended appropriation would bring that up to $1,513,180 which should get us through the November election.


Workers’ Compensation

(Will get set according to JBC common policy).

Legal Services

This money covers the cost of representing the legislature in court. We can probably do with 188 hours -- the same as last year. The actual amount depends on where we set legal services rates.

Purchase of Services from Computer Center

We don't use the General Government Computer Center as much as we used to -- we use our own local area network. The actual figure will depend on the common policy amount.

Payment to Risk Management and Property Funds

(Pending the JBC's common policy)

Capitol Complex Leased Space

The legislature uses 111,981 sq. ft. The cost will depend on the JBC's common policy.

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