Saturday, August 15, 2009

Steps to Balancing the Budget (2009-10)

The June revenue forecast from Leg Council showed that we would have to cut more spending to balance the FY2009-10 budget. In response, Governor Ritter started the process of reducing spending. Here are the general steps:
  • June 22 - direct agencies to cut travel and some operational expenses
  • June 25 - direct state agencies to develop plans to cut 10% from their budgets (due to OSPB by Julu 20)
  • July 7 - OSPB sent specific cost reduction goals to agencies
  • July 20 - OSPB reviews agency cost cutting plans
  • Aug 18 - present cuts to JBC
  • Aug 24 - deliver actual supplementals and other information to JBC
  • Sept 1 - most cuts take effect

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